Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So in love

All dressed up for church
Originally uploaded by mazer73.
God has blessed us with an amazing little girl named Lorelei. She is the perfect child for Jason and I and I can see how God knew what he was doing when He created her for us. She is such a joy to be around all the time, don't get me wrong she has her moments, but for the most part she's just chilled out and laid back like her Mommy & Daddy. Lorelei knows how to go with the flow, she's flexible like a birch tree and she's always so happy! Everyday I see wonder in her eyes as she explores her world around her, she lights up when she see's the photos on our fridge or when we walk by one of my paintings hanging on the wall. She's so curious and wants to be involved in every aspect of my day. I didn't know we could fall so totally and completely in love with a baby like we have with her. When we're not with her we feel lost, so strange!! I never thought we'd be like that. She's amazing and I can't wait to see her flourish and become a Proverb's 31 woman as she grows older. Having a baby certainly changes everything, but for the better!! I love you Peanut you are our world!

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