Monday, October 29, 2007

Bittersweet Milestone

Well this is a bittersweet milestone for me. As of last Thursday I have stopped nursing Lorelei. I'm happy and sad about it. Happy because life has gotten easier and I'm not the only one who is feeding her anyone can now and plus she jut does well on her own anyways. Also because she just started to bite me! OUCH! Sad because that was the last "baby" thing she did. My baby is growing way too fast in my opinion and will be walking soon. I feel good about knowing I did what was best for her for 9 mos. I surpassed my 6 month goal of nursing. When I first started I wanted to quit so bad because it hurt like heck! I'm just glad I stuck it out for her sake. She's been a great baby and she's turning into a great toddler. OK sniff, sniff, the time just flew by! For those of you with new babies, treasure each moment because they certainly are fleeting!!!!

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