Monday, September 11, 2006

9.11 - We will never forget.

The image above is one I created in 2001 as a Christmas card insert for the company I worked for, in lieu of gifts we donated to the September 11th Memorial Fund and my design was picked for the insert.
Today was a day of mixed emotions for me. On one hand I woke up energized and refreshed which I was thrilled about because I haven't been sleeping well at all lately, having to lay a certain way each night due to pregnancy. I woke up and realized the date and I knew I had to relive those horrible memories of that fateful day five years ago. I wasn't even close to NYC at the time I lived in Orlando, FL and was pretty far away but that didn't even dull the impact 9.11.01 had on me. To this day I cannot hear the Star Spangled Banner without almost bawling. This morning was no different, I got up and ate my breakfast and turned on Good Morning America and was taken back 5 years. I pretty much started bawling right away at first I was in control of it and then I completely lost it. I'm so touched by the people who have been able to move on despite losing loved ones that day and that they have the strength to be there and read the names of all those who lost their lives. I was so moved to tears with the moments of silence and it still shook me to think of what happened. I know I will never forget what happened, how could you forget when America was at it's most vulnerable moment in my lifetime. I WILL NEVER FORGET! God Bless all the survivors, families and victims of that day.

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